A systematic approach to electrical fault finding

Electrical faults can cause extensive damage to your appliances, and can even start a fire in your home. If you are not in the habit of regularly checking over your home for signs of an electrical fault, it is worth making the time. That way, you can catch issues early, and call in expert help.

Electrical fault finding can be easy if there is an obvious problem, but when it comes to wiring or other issues, the fault is not always readily apparent and it’s best to hire a Melbourne electrician.

Signs you have an electrical fault

Here are a few obvious signs that you might have an electrical fault in your home:

  • Lights flicker or dim unexpectedly
  • Light switches feel hot to the touch
  • Buzzing noises behind power outlets, or in light switches
  • A tingling sensation when you touch the outside of a light switch or power outlet
  • Discolouration around your power points or light switches
  • Circuit breakers and fuses constantly blow
  • Appliances don’t seem to be working as well as they did

Hiring an electrician to evaluate the electrical systems in your home is the most effective way to detect any faults, and avoid the problems that can come from having an undiscovered electrical fault.

Electrical fault finding starts with investigation

Your electrician will take a systematic approach to the electrical fault finding procedure, starting with obtaining any information from you about suspected faults, or areas that might be a problem.

The next step to electrical fault finding is observation. If you suspect an appliance or other piece of electrical equipment has a fault, your Melbourne electrician will need to visit your home and examine it carefully to try to determine the source of the problem.

This is often enough for them to be able to see what is wrong and what they need to do to fix it.

Specialised fault finding equipment

Your electrician will need to check your wiring and see if there are any issues. Professional electricians have specialised fault finding techniques and equipment that can safely help them detect any issues in your electrical circuits.

There are a number of possible sources of electrical problems in the home, and only a professional will be able to give you an exact cause.

Don’t leave your home safety to chance

If you suspect that you have an electrical fault at home, enlist the help of a professional electrician, who can undertake a systematic fault finding electrical procedure and detect and fix the problem.

To find out more about our electrical maintenance services in Melbourne call us on 1800 981 993.

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